A Complete Beginner’s Guide to Every Total War Game in 2023
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It is quite astonishing how many Total War games we have these days, and if you haven’t been following the series, then it can seem daunting to dive in. But even if you have some experience and wanna try out other games, how would you know which ones are good, or what differentiates them or indeed, is similar between them? In this video, that’s a question I’ll be answering, as we’ll go through every single Total War game and give you my opinions, recommendations and tips on which ones you should try and why.
From A Total War Saga Troy, Total War Pharaoh (soon) and Rome Remastered, all the way up the age of Medieval 2, Empire, Shogun 2 Fall of the Samurai and even the Warhammer series’ fantasy universe, I showcase them all, so make sure to stick around or jump ahead to the game you’re the most curious about!
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