Apex Legends Drops HUGE Lore For Bangalore! War Games Takeover Explained + Trident Bugs
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Hey guys and welcome back to another Apex Legends video! In today’s video we have some news to go over including a brand new lore video featuring Bangalore and Wraith that was posted to the Apex Legends Twitter account yesterday.
I also wanted to show you guys some concepts from Reddit as well as some datamined information provided by iLootGames on the next seven LTM’s that will be coming with the War Games event!
Trident Glitch:
Friendly Abilities Concept:
Why Bangalore Hates Wraith Fan Theory:
00:00 Intro
00:18 Friendly abilities concept
00:45 Grow Towers Glitch
02:07 New Bangalore/Wraith Lore
03:40 Who is Bangalore’s brother
04:20 Fan theory on why Bang hates Wraith
05:45 All War Games LTM (Datamine)