Evolution of Men of War Games 2004 - 2020 - nzwargamer.net

Evolution of Men of War Games 2004 – 2020

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About Men of War
Men of War is a real-time tactics video game franchise, based mainly in World War II.

00:00 Soldiers: Heroes of World War II
01:00 Faces of War
02:00 Faces of War: Brothers in Arms
03:00 Men of War
04:00 Men of War: Red Tide
05:00 Men of War: Assault Squad
06:00 Men of War: Vietnam
07:00 Men of War: Condemned Heroes
08:00 Men of War: Assault Squad 2
09:00 Men of War: Assault Squad 2 – Cold War
10:00 Men of War 2 ARENA

Soldiers Heroes of World War II also goes by the name of Soldiers: Silent Heroes 2, Silent Heroes: Elite Troops of World War II, Outfront Saboteurs 1, 2 and 3.