nWo vs. Hart Foundation (WAR GAMES!) || WWE 2K23 – AI vs. AI (4K 60FPS)
For those unfamiliar with War Games, it’s a match type that originated in WCW in the 1980s and was later adopted by WWE. The match features two teams of wrestlers, with one member from each team starting the match in the ring. After a certain amount of time, another wrestler from one of the teams enters the match, followed by a wrestler from the other team, alternating until all members are in the ring. The only way to win is by forcing a member of the opposing team to submit or by pinfall.
Now, let’s talk about the competitors in this epic simulation. First up, we have the nWo – one of the most dominant factions in wrestling history. Comprised of wrestling legends such as Hulk Hogan, Scott Hall, and Kevin Nash, the nWo was known for their rebellious attitudes and for changing the face of wrestling during the 1990s.
On the other side of the ring, we have the Hart Foundation – a stable of wrestlers who were known for their technical wrestling skills and their Canadian pride. Led by Bret “The Hitman” Hart, the Hart Foundation consisted of wrestlers such as Jim “The Anvil” Neidhart and Brian Pillman, and was a fan-favorite during the 1990s.
So, who will come out on top in this simulation? Will the nWo’s power and aggression be enough to overcome the technical prowess of the Hart Foundation? Or will Bret Hart and his team prove that brains can beat brawn? With AI controlling the action, the possibilities are endless.
Sit back, grab some snacks, and get ready for a thrilling AI versus AI War Games match between the nWo and the Hart Foundation – only on RhystleMania!