US 'preparing for World War III' with global war games (Full show) -

US ‘preparing for World War III’ with global war games (Full show)

RT America
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US naval and marine exercises across 17 time zones and especially those staged in the near abroad of Russia and China are being widely condemned as acts of provocation. Former Pentagon official Michael Maloof weighs in. He blames the vestigial Cold War mentality reigning in the aging US leadership for Washington’s geopolitical posturing and says the Pentagon seems bent on intimidating the world with its military superiority simply “because we can.” (08:51)

But first, RT America’s Trinity Chavez reports on the worrying number of birds that have died in droves across numerous states and for still-mysterious reasons. Then attorney Madeline Pendley discusses the connection between these deaths and the horrifyingly destructive “forever chemicals” upon which modern manufacturing depends and the threat they pose to the environment. (02:41)

Plus, RT America’s Sayeh Tavangar updates us on the shooting near the Pentagon near Washington, DC. (15:03)

Attorneys Rory Reilly Topping and Reese Everson join to discuss mounting calls for the resignation of Gov. Andrew Cuomo as details about his harassment of the terrified “unintentional sex workers” at his office come to light, including calls from President Biden, and the wider, enduring problem of powerful men abusing their authority and mistreating colleagues in pursuit of sexual gratification. (18:49)

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