Wargames 1983, arcade scene - Classic arcade games in movies - nzwargamer.net

Wargames 1983, arcade scene – Classic arcade games in movies

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Wargames arcade scenes. Matthew Broderick, Ally Sheedy…

The movie takes place in Seattle, but this arcade was in Woodland Hills, California. It’s currently a clothing store.

This arcade has (left to right):

Dig Dug, Galaga, Zaxxon, Sub-Roc 3-D, Gravitar, Tron, Tutankham…

Space Duel, Satan’s Hollow, Tron, Ms. Pac-Man, Blue Print, Donkey Kong Jr, Pac-Man, Robotron 2084, Asteroids, Centipede, Frenzy, Centipede, Donkey Kong

Ms. Pac-Man, Jungle Hunt. 🙂